Gundam Photography – Experimenting with lights! Ikimasu!

I read this intersting article from Lupes about the importance of lighting. For his current setup he uses a table lamp during his photoshoots ^^. I previously used a table lamp to photograph my kits in this article. This time round I’ll be experimenting with different type of lighting and its makes for some very interesting effects ^^

This is my HG 1/144 Sergei’s Space Tieren. Its just a simple snap fit and top coated suit^^. Anyway I realised I haven’t taken any pictures of him as of yet so well it goes! Experiment starto!

I used a red colored plastic bag to wrap around the lamp. This helps to reduce the light glare and give a slight pink hue.

Argh not a very good shot I am afraid! Too over exposed hmm hopefully the next one will be better!

I love this in your face shot

Well thats all for the first set up^^. Now for the second set up I’ll use something really different 😀 I wrap a green card board paper around my lamp the effects are really different! This time round I’ll be using my HG 1/144 Gadessa.

Well thats all for this little experiment with lighting! I think its really worthwhile to try experimenting not only with different angles but also lighting for our gundams ^^.

Try out something new today, you never know what to expect!

Till the next post!

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