Hello gunpla fans, today I’m gonna do a review on the Master Grade 1/100 scaled Freedom Gundam 2.0. Straight out of the box you will have total of 16 x runners, 1 x effect runner, 1 foil sticker, 1 dry transfer sticker and an instruction manual. They’ve included an action base in it too.
Putting all the kits together and you will getttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt:
Freedom 2.0!! I’ve not equip anything on it yet except the sideskirt cannon thing. Take a moment and enjoy the beauty of this kit *sniff*
No matter how i see this kit, this kit is really, really, really detail
Blardy loving that back skirt, look at that embossment on it! looks darn cool!
Just look at how detailed this kit is!
Okay.. Articulations,
Not bad (Obama Face), The freedom 2.0 can easily pull off any ground poses without the wings, front skirt are on a independent hinge so both can move on its own, sideskirt cannon thingy moves up and down and also rotatable. Backskirt is detachable with a gimmick pulling it together. The problem with the articulation so far is the ankle section as it is hard to turn.
The cool thing about the Freedom 2.0 is the abs crunch.
There is 2 section of the body that can move, comparing the 1.0, the 2.0 can move the body front and side to side. the 1.0 you would have that chance at all.
As for the shoulder section,
You can pop out the shoulder slightly to give your Freedom 2.0 more possability.
so you can move your hands further in front.
As for the accessories,
You are give a set of sideskirt railgun, 2 sets of beamsaber, 1 modified rifle, 1 shield and 2 beam effect parts.
As for the hands, you are give an open palm hand, grab hands, trigger finger and a close grip hands.
And now you will have Freedom all armed up except for the wings!
Now for the main event. Wings/backpack.
Freedom 2.0 is now complete!!
Due to the wing too large for my photobooth, I’ve decided to do this out of the light box. This is Freedom 2.0 with its wing spread~! :3
Freedom Blasting everything to pieces :3
The review of this kit is 100% based on my own preference of this kit.
If you are interested in this kit visit http://goo.gl/OPSKZM
If you are interested in other gundam model kits, visit www.gundam.my