The most custom Gouf!
I was eagerly awaiting the January issue of Hobby Japan last month (yes, in November) because it was the issue that would have the results of the 13th Ora Zaku Contest. Yours truly submitted an entry and wanted to see my Musha Mk-II alongside other entrants. You know, to feel like I belonged. I flipped through all the entries and mine was not in there! I be disappoint! Actually, I was quite upset. Especially because I had even purchased a 2GB memory stick
onto which I loaded pictures to submit.
In my bad mood I skipped over the majority of entries and missed what possibly is the most bad-ass Gundam (or Gouf) I’ve ever seen. Check out this amazing work!
I’m not going to post any other images on my site because he’s done a lot of work to bring traffic his way and deservedly so. The site, just like the kit, is really well done and really nice to look at. So I’ll post the link and you can send him the virtual traffic love.
It’s awesome.