Gundam Avalanche Exia made its debut in the "Mobile Suit Gundam 00V" side story serialized in Hobby Japan magazine, and fans can now build the powerful mech with this sharp snap-fit model kit from Bandai! Molded in color and carefully detailed after mecha designer Kanetake Ebikawa's drawings, the Mobile Suit is equipped with its high-mobility hs-A01 Avalanche along with its Seven Sword System. Its armament includes a GN Sword capable of switching into rifle mode, two GN beam daggers, two GN beam sabers, a GN long blade, and a GN short blade. The mech features sharp mechanical detailing throughout, and will be fully articulated with polycap joints upon completion. Foil stickers and marking stickers are included. Weight: 650g
Not just a recolor of the 2008 1/100 GN-0000 + GNR-010 00 Raiser Special Set, this excellent release offers a third light-up LED for the Mobile Suit's head, a brand new weapon, and all parts come molded in the same light-toned color scheme as mecha designer Kanetake Ebikawa's concept illustration of 00 Raiser!
Upon completion, the star Mobile Suit from the second season of "Gundam 00" will feature not only polycap-jointed limbs, but also a flexible Twin Drive System (GN Drives on each shoulder) with light-up LEDs, plus another LED in its head that lights up the camera eyes and lens! Setsuna's personal Mobile Suit can be equipped with the included pair of GN Sword IIs that switch from Sword to Rifle Mode, a pair of GN Beam Sabers, and two GN Shield IIs. In addition to that, the GN Sword III seen used in the show's final battle is also provided. The powerful weapon can switch between its GN Sword and GN Rifle modes, plus a beam effect part is included for realizing its destructive Raiser Sword mode! Combine 0 Raiser with 00 Gundam by folding down its main nozzle, separating its Side Binders and attaching them to the Mobile Suit's GN Drives, and then connecting the spacecraft to the back of the mecha to complete the powered-up 00 Raiser!
A sheet of foil stickers and a sheet of designer's marking stickers are provided.
Three LED button light are included without batteries.
Out on Christmas season on end of Year 2008. Upon completion, the star Mobile Suit from the second season of "Gundam 00" will feature not only polycap-jointed limbs, but also a flexible Twin Drive System (GN Drives on each shoulder) with light-up LEDs, plus another LED in its head that lights up the camera eyes and lens! Setsuna's personal Mobile Suit can be equipped with the included pair of GN Sword IIs that switch from Sword to Rifle Mode, a pair of GN Beam Sabers, and two GN Shield IIs. In addition to that, the GN Sword III seen used in the show's final battle is also provided. Combine 0 Raiser with 00 Gundam by folding down its main nozzle, separating its Side Binders and attaching them to the Mobile Suit's GN Drives, and then connecting the spacecraft to the back of the mecha to complete the powered-up 00 Raiser! A sheet of foil stickers and a sheet of designer's marking stickers are provided. The powerful weapon can switch between its GN Sword and GN Rifle modes, plus a beam effect part is included for realizing its destructive Raiser Sword mode!
Copyright Sotsu Agency / Sunrize Item Size/Weight : 20.4 x 15 x 5.5 cm / 170g
Armors can be taken off to express NADLEE version. GN cannon on the shoulders can be slided to recreate battle mode. NADLEE's hair can be moved to express movement. GN bazooka in two modes (normal and battle mode). Double joint system in arm articulations. Waist supported with axis cover parts for balanced posing. Various wrists and foil stickers included.
Here - is the HG series kit of the Gundam Virtue in Trans-Am Mode, as seen in the first season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00. The GN cannon barrel can extend, and the connector arm is posable, allowing for dramatic shooting poses from the show. The GN cannon and leg unit sides slide to open into GN field mode. GN bazooka barrel can slide to replicate burst mode. Foil stickers are printed in appropriate colors for Trans-Am mode as well.
- 1 / 144 the size amazing transformation! Gandam Harute! - Reproduce the form of the transformation gimmick detachable rifle. - MS-time form, reproducing moving back binder. - Detachable backpack. Each movement in the base. - Accessories: Rifles × 2, Backpack. Item Size/Weight : 31 x 19.1 x 7.8 cm / 387g
A custom Flag unit for Graham Aker operated by the Union in the TV series "Gundam 00". Can transform from mobile suit to flight unit mode. Special Rifle and beam saber included.
Here's a sharp snap-fit plastic kit of Ali Al-Saachez's AEU Enact Custom Agrissa Type variable Mobile Suit that will be fully transformable upon completion! Capable of switching between MS Mode and Flight Position, this color-molded kit is packed with a blade rifle with slide-out blade, a defense rod that can be attached to either side of its arm, a sonic blade (plasma sword), and a missile launcher.
A mobile suit used by Innovades, the Gadessa features a long range Mega Launcher cannon weapon that can unfold like in the Gundam 00 TV series second season. A display stand is included.
A high grade of the mass produced Gundams in Gundam 00. Features GN beam rifle with interchangeable barrel for long range type, beam sabers and arm mounted shield.
Action base is not included.
P-Bandai Exclusive: RG 1/144 Gundam Astraea Type-F
The sharpshooting Gundam Dynames from the first season of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" takes aim once again in Bandai's HG lineup with the release of this gloss injection-molded kit, which comes molded in colors that mimic its Trans-Am mode color scheme seen in the show! Similar to the 2007-released HG Gundam Dynames but with a different color scheme, it will be articulated with plenty of polycap joints upon completion and will feature foldable GN shields to the front for front guard mode. Its GN sniper rifle can be set up with tripod support and can also be stored on its right shoulder armor. The yellow antenna on its head can be slid down to reveal a gun camera for precision sniping. A sheet of reflective hologram foil stickers is included for detail.