From GUNDAM UNIVERSE, the Strike FREEDOM GUNDAM Type-2, which played an active role in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM, has been made into a three-dimensional model!
From GUNDAM UNIVERSE, the Strike FREEDOM GUNDAM Type-2 from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM is here. The body has been newly sculpted, making it a massive product that is unique to GUNDAM UNIVERSE!
GUNDAM UNIVERSE has commercialized the Gundam Astray Red Frame as a new model for MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM SEED Series!
From GUNDAM UNIVERSE, the Gundam Astray Red Frame has been turned into a 3D figure! It also comes with its characteristic weapon, the Gerbera Straight. The massive design recreates the Red Frame style!
Gundam Barbatos Lupus from GUNDAM UNIVERSE is now available. It also comes with a new weapon: a sword mace!
The long-awaited Gundam Barbatos Lupus is finally available from GUNDAM UNIVERSE! The popular mobile suit piloted by the main character from GUNDAM UNIVERSE ASW-G-08 GUNDAM BARBATOS and GUNDAM UNIVERSE ASW-G-08 GUNDAM BARBATOS LUPUS REX has been made into a 3D model. Now you can finally line up all three of them! The distinctive wrists are also recreated with new molding.
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